Trick serving a hillshade image from GeoServer

I had the perfect hillshade raster ready to throw on top of my web map, I had previewed it in QGIS and the colour stretching and values looked fine.
Hillshade in QGIS

I then loaded it into GeoServer and it looked great in the OpenLayers Layer Preview window as well.

However, once I added it as a WMS layer in a Leaflet map, I got really confused.  Even though I had my NODATA=255 parameters seemingly working well there appeared a small strip around the outside of the image that was obnoxious.

When GeoServer skews the image it creates a region around the image that has value=0.  This image already had nodata=255, so it can be very confusing.
When GeoServer skews the image it creates a region around the image that has value=0. This image already had nodata=255, so it can be very confusing.

I figured I could change it with an SLD but hadn’t done it before so it took a while to figure out.  For a couple hours I tried various permutations of the default “raster” Style, but with no luck.  The image, otherwise, looked great so the Style obviously wasn’t a real problem in and of itself.

The trick came when I realised that I need to set my color maps for the gray band explicitly.  Up to this point no particular band had been isolated for color mapping.  I found the right place to put the elements in the SLD and all worked out well.

My takeaway: there must be a better way to develop SLD for rasters.  The options in the GeoServer docs are amazing and exciting, but trying to fit them into a specific context has always been a challenge for me.  That’s why I had to write this down, but I’m sure I’ll have to remember it all again a year from now!

Note there is no skewed "collar" around the image as value=0 is ignored.
Note there is no skewed “collar” around the image as value=0 is ignored.


      Raster Hillshade
      Grayscale hillshade SLD
          Hillshade with transparency
          Ignore values outside valid range, nodata values transparent



Published by

Tyler Mitchell

Product and marketing leader, author and technology writer in NoSQL, big data, graph analytics, and geospatial. Follow me @1tylermitchell or get my book from

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